Drumkilty Oisin of Milltimber
5 Generation Pedigree


Parents GrandParents GreatGrandParents  GG Grand Parents  GGG Grand Parents




Gatchells Lone Ranger

 SH CH Marjamez Midnight Cowboy at Westervane

Linchael Persian Orchid  N U Ch Mjaerumhoada's Crusader  Fin CH Noravon Cornelius
 Nor CH Gitles Natascha
 Linchael Wild Orchid of Yacanto  CH Styal Scott of Glengilde
 SH CH Linchael Delmoss
 SH CH Gaineda Imperial Ice of Marjamez  SH CH Linchael Conspiracy of Chevanne  Ch Styal Scott of Glengilde
 SH CH Linchael Delmoss
 Gaineda Chasing Rainbows  CH Sanue Golden Ruler
 Gaineda Magic  Touch
 Swed SH CH Dewmist Serenella (Imp)  Swed CH Telkaro Diamond Dust  CH/Irish CH Erinderry Diamond Edae of Glenavis  CH/Irish CH Papeta Philosopher
 Irish SH CH Erinderry Amber of Tyrol
 Colbar Royal Secret with Telkaro JW  CH Paudell Easter Plantagenet of Kerrien
 SH CH Telkaro Royal Romance of Colbar
 Swed CH Dewmist Shaquille  Swed CH Inassica's Dandelion  SU(U) CH Goldsand's Tiger
 Inassicas Water Lily
 S.U.(U)CH/N.U.CH Dewmist Saannah  NORDV-95 NU CH Styal Sheer Scandal
 Norw CH Dewmist Shade of Pale


Scarholme Echo of Drumkilty
 Scarholme The Reiver  Barcia Bobby Dazzler JW (2CC's)  SH CH Ritzilyn Brandon  SH CH Perrimay Hugo of Fenwood
 SH CH Ritzilyn Stage Door Jenny
 Bsarcia Make It Magic  Barcia Top of The Pops JW
 Barcia My Girl
 Scarholme Tyrst  Scarholme Ewan with Ninell  SH CH Elswood the Highlander
 Blaelochside Dream Maker to Scarholme
 Scarholme Oatmeal  CH/Irish CH Papeta Philosopher
 Scarholme Saffron
 Caoimhin Drusilla for Scarholme  SH CH Remington Rory  CH Paudell Easter Plantagenet at Kerrien  Sansue Castilian JW (1CC)
 Kerrien Calypso of Paudell
 SH CH Styal Snow Flake of Remington JW  CH Sansue Golden Ruler
 Styal Scottila
 Irish CH Garbank Caoimhe for Scarholme  Jamoon Trioka for Ninell (2CC's)  Chadzo Secret Admirer (1CC)
 Halebourne Molly Malone oj Jamoon (1CC)
 SH CH Oi Oi Garbank  CH/Irish CH Garbank Special Edition of Lislone 
 Lislone Dawn Damask



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